Claire SECEH

Marseille, France ·

We consider the audience to be the 12th player during a match, and what if data analysts represented the 13th player on a team?


PhD candidate in oceanography in the past, I studied phytoplankton dynamics in the Ahe atoll (French Polynesia) by creating multiple modelling aprroaches. I want now, to bring my skills in analysing data to a sport which I've always loved: soccer

Not very surprising as oceanographer, I am a sea lover. I love spending my time in or on the water, practicing scuba-diving and surfing. I am a dog lover and I enjoy hanging out with Hawaï my border collie, who loves water as much as I do.

I am passionate about round ball. I spent my youth to play handball, in a semi-professionnal team, and football with friends or at the University. Behind these lines, there is a Racing Club de Lens fan!

For an entrepreneurial program, I searched a solution to catch and analyse data automatically for handball professional games. I studied the professional handball market, made contacts with professional clubs, learned a lot on the business creation, etc. It was a really great experience and I would like to continue this experience with a great team working on sport analytics.


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Data analyses and visualizations with numpy and pandas libraries in Python
  • Code management with Git
  • 3D modelling using Fortran
  • Editing maps with QGIS and Python



PEPITE Provence
Try to create a business in analytical solution for professional handball
· Meeting with professionals (players and technical staffs of different clubs) to understand what is their needs
· Scrapping and layout matches data

Tracking football

Use tracking players data to analyse a match
· Analysis of key moments of a match
· Statistics on physical individual performances (distance runned, speed, time played, etc.)
· Statistics on technical individual performances (passes, shots, goals, etc.)
· Statistics on collective performances (team strategy, players positions, etc.)
· Data visualization

UEFA Women's Euro Data

Use open acces data provide by StatsBomb to analyse a competition
· Analysis of French team performances during the entire competition
· Statistics on physical individual performances (distance runned, speed, time played, etc.)
· Statistics on technical individual performances (passes, shots, goals, etc.)
· Statistics on collective performances (team strategy, players positions, etc.)
· Data visualization

Surfing Data

Personnal project
Where is the best surfing spot in France?
· API use for collect open acces data provide by European Union
· Share the code with collaborators


Aix-Marseille University, France

Student-Entrepreneur Degree
Project ChabData
· Market survey on data analysis for professional handball
· Meeting with professionals
· Exchanges of ideas and project monitoring with ISM - STAPS researchers

Aix-Marseille University, France

PhD candidate
Coupled physical-biogeochemical modelling of a pearl farming atoll in French polynesia
· Data statiscal analysis from various origins
· Use API to collect open acces data
· Data visualization to make data come alive
· Code versionning and sharing with Git
· Work on a distant server under Unix environment
· Writing and publishing scientific paper
· Partipation to international meetings
2018 - 2022

Aix-Marseille University, France

Master's Degree of Oceanography - Marine Environment speciality
· Data analysis, statistics, programming
· Using GPS to follow drifting buoys
2016 - 2018

University of Bordeaux, France

Bachelor's Degree of Life Sciences
Biology, ecology, systematic and geology
2012 - 2015


Biogeochemical model of nitrogen cycling in Ahe (French Polynesia), a South Pacific coral atoll with pearl farming

Marine Pollution Bulletin

Claire Seceh , Christel Pinazo, Martine Rodier, Katixa Lajaunie-Salla, Camille Mazoyer, Christian Grenz, Romain Le Gendre
A biogeochemical model (ECO3M-Atoll) was configured to simulate the lower food web in Ahe Atoll lagoon where phytoplankton is mostly nitrogen limited. Understanding the dynamics of phytoplankton – the main food source for oysters – is crucial for the management and the allocation of new pearl farming sites. After parametrizing the model with in situ observations, we tested different hypotheses about nitrogen cycling (benthic remineralization, atmospheric N fixation, etc.) and compared the results to a large observational dataset. Model results show that simulated (pico- and nano-) phytoplankton biomass and nitrogen concentrations are close to in situ data. The simulated biogeochemical processes (uptake and primary production) are also very similar to the observed values. In the model, primary production ranged from 1.00 to 2.00 mg C m⁻³ h⁻¹ for pico- and 0.40 to 1.00 mg C m⁻³ h⁻¹ for nanophytoplankton; mean N uptake was 2.02 μmol N m⁻³ h⁻¹ for pico- and 1.25 μmol N m⁻³ h⁻¹ for nanophytoplankton.

Pelagic stocks and carbon and nitrogen uptake in a pearl farming atoll (Ahe, French Polynesia)

Marine Pollution Bulletin

Martine Rodier, Christel Pinazo, Claire Seceh , David Varillon
This study reports the first measurements of nitrogen uptake and new data on carbon fixation (15N/13C incorporation) for two size-fractionated phytoplankton (<2 μm and >2 μm), on organic matter, and phytoplankton stocks in Ahe lagoon. Data were collected between November and December 2017, during the hot season with prevailing trade winds. Ammonium and nitrate uptake data (7.58 to 39.81 and 1.80 to 21.43 μmol N m−3 h−1, respectively) suggest a rapid turn-over of N-nutrients in the water column and show that primary production was largely sustained by recycled nitrogen providing 68% of the pelagic N demand. These results highlight the spatial heterogeneity of the measured processes linked to the local hydrodynamics, exhibiting higher regenerated production in the more exploited southwestern part of the lagoon and a higher proportion of new production in the north. Intense nutrient recycling appears to promote nanophytoplankton production which is critical for pearl oyster growth.

Benthic nutrients and oxygen fluxes at the water sediment interface in a pearl farming atoll (Ahe, Tuamotu, French Polynesia)

Marine Pollution Bulletin

Christian Grenz, Martine Rodier, Claire Seceh, David Varillon, Gabriel Haumani, Christel Pinazo
Benthic exchanges of oxygen and nutrient at the sediment-water interface were investigated under light and dark conditions at 5 selected sites in a sub-tropical atoll. Mean oxygen fluxes were - 1316.5 ± 242.0 μmol m−2 h−1 and mean effluxes of oxygen under light conditions were 2231.7 ± 626.4 μmol m−2 h−1, presumably due to microphytobenthos present at the sediment-water interface. The consequences of this high related productivity was a systematic consumption of nutrients (DIN, PO4 and Si(OH)4) during almost all light incubations, contrasting with the effluxes of nutrients during dark incubations. Our results suggest that the sediments were net autotrophic and the oxygen balance in favor of microbenthic production when compared to community demand. Diurnal rates of gross benthic primary productivity were high (3423 ± 1192 μmol m−2 h−1) which emphasize the role of microphytobenthos in maintaining the oxygen reservoir in tropical lagoons.